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Introduction: Process thought, science, and philosophy

World Futures - The Journal of New Paradigm Research, Volume 65
Eastman, T.E.Riffert, F.G. Plasmas International,
Silver Spring, Maryland,

University of Salzburg,
2009 Physics

The dramatic success of science since the 17th century, documented in our first special issue introduction (Rifffert and Eastman, 2008), led to conditions that shifted the mantle of authority from religion to science, a shift that culminated with the achievements of Darwin and Einstein.

This same period witnessed the development of the classical view of nature, which incorporates a metaphysical framework that continues to have substantial influence as shown by its coupling with modern physics in the standard view of nature dominant throughout most of the 20th century (Eastman, 2008).

The article was published in: World Futures The Journal of New Paradigm Research Volume 65, 2009 - Issue 1: Process Thought, Science and Philosophy.

Full article

This work was supported (in part) by the Fetzer Franklin Fund of the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust.