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From research to clinic: A sensor reduction method for high-density EEG neurofeedback systems

Clinical Neurophysiology
Pal, P.Theisen, D.L.Datko, M.van Lutterveld, R.Roy, A. Ruf, A.Brewer, J.A. Center for Mindfulness,
University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Shrewsbury, MA, USA
2019 Biology, Consciousness


To accurately deliver a source-estimated neurofeedback (NF) signal developed on a 128-sensors EEG system on a reduced 32-sensors EEG system.


A linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer algorithm was used to select the 64 sensors which contributed most highly to the source signal. Monte Carlo-based sampling was then used to randomly generate a large set of reduced 32-sensors montages from the 64 beamformer-selected sensors. The reduced montages were then tested for their ability to reproduce the 128-sensors NF. The high-performing montages were then pooled and analyzed by a k-means clustering machine learning algorithm to produce an optimized reduced 32-sensors montage.


Nearly 4500 high-performing montages were discovered from the Monte Carlo sampling. After statistically analyzing this pool of high performing montages, a set of refined 32-sensors montages was generated that could reproduce the 128-sensors NF with greater than 80% accuracy for 72% of the test population.


Our Monte Carlo reduction method was used to create reliable reduced-sensors montages which could be used to deliver accurate NF in clinical settings.


A translational pathway is now available by which high-density EEG-based NF measures can be delivered using clinically accessible low-density EEG systems.

The article was published in: Clinical Neurophysiology 130(3): 352-358.

Full article

This work was supported (in part) by the Fetzer Franklin Fund of the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust.