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Contra Classical Causality Violating Temporal Bell Inequalities in Mental Systems

Journal of Consciousness Studies 19(5-6)
Atmanspacher, H.Filk, T. Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology,
Freiburg, Germany

Collegium Helveticum,
Zurich Institute for Physics, Switzerland

University of Freiburg, Germany

Parmenides Center for the Study of Thinking,
Munich, Germany
2012 Consciousness, Physics

Temporally non-local measurements -- single measurements yielding information about the state of a system at different instances -- may provide a way to observe non-classical behaviour in mental systems. The signature for such behaviour is a violation of temporal Bell inequalities.

We present such inequalities applicable to scenarios with two alternating mental states, such as in the perception of ambiguous figures. We indicate empirical options for testing temporal Bell inequalities, and speculate about possible explanations in case these inequalities are indeed violated.

The article was published in: Journal of Consciousness Studies 19(5-6): 95-116.

Full article

This work was supported (in part) by the Fetzer Franklin Fund of the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust.