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Collapse models: from theoretical foundations to experimental verifications

IOP Publishing
Bassi, A.Ulbricht, H. Department of Physics,
University of Trieste, Italy

School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Southampton, UK
2014 Physics

The basic strategy underlying models of spontaneous wave function collapse (collapse models) is to modify the Schrödinger equation by including nonlinear stochastic terms, which tend to localize wave functions in space in a dynamical manner. These terms have negligible effects on microscopic systems—therefore their quantum behaviour is practically preserved.

On the other end, since the strength of these new terms scales with the mass of the system, they become dominant at the macroscopic level, making sure that wave functions of macro-objects are always well-localized in space. We will review these basic features. By changing the dynamics of quantum systems, collapse models make predictions, which are different from standard quantum mechanical predictions. Although they are difficult to detect, we discuss the most relevant scenarios, where such deviations can be observed.

The article was published in: Proceedings of: 'Journal of Physics: Conference Series', IOP Publishing: 012023.

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This work was supported (in part) by the Fetzer Franklin Fund of the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust.