ProfileArnold J. Mandell
Cielo Institute, Emory University, University of North Carolina, University of California, National Institutes of Health, Scripps Research Institute
Arnold J. Mandell, M.D., is Founding Chairman and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD). He presently is a Visiting Scientist at the Core MEG Laboratory at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, USA. Previously, he held professorships at the Neuropsychiatric Institute and Brain Research Institute at the University of California in Los Angeles, at the University of California at Irvine, at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, and at Emory University School of Medicine.
Since leaving UCSD, Dr. Mandell has been mainly involved in studying the basic science and applied mathematics of brain activity and human behavior. He has received many prestigious awards including the A.E. Bennett Research Prize of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, a Career Teacher Award of the National Institutes of Mental Health, a Johananoff International Fellowship of the Mario Negri Institute, a Foundations Research Prize of the American Psychiatric Association, a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Prize Fellowship in Theoretical Neuroscience, and a Humboldt Senior Prize Fellowship in Dynamical Systems. Dr. Mandell’s current research focuses on dynamical systems measurements of turbulent electromagnetic fields in relationship to MEG studies of resting, intentional and attentional states of human consciousness.